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Updated profiles
The quite side, the fun and crazy side, the side you with enjoy to be with me.
Um just here to have fun,no strings attached, u gotta spoil me and i make the satisfaction to yoi. Case closed
I am here to enjoy lots of sex and muffing from women of all races...
Bestiana has edited her profile and it is pending approval.
In search of someone who will wine/dine and spoil me. Surprise me and be thoughtful. It was never my husband's style - but I'm burning for that attention to things and thoughtfulness. Let's blame this need on Hollywood well-written books. Which I'll always have my nose in. I loooooove speed, having just recently moved to Cape Town, I'm already a regular at the racetrack - then you must. ;) Open to new things. I forgive easily, I care for those around me and I'm just me - so if you don't get my lame jokes - sorry in advance! Side note: please read my charateristics PROPERLY - don't come be a nice now and then turn into a judgmental because of my weight. So what I have some extra padding - whatever! I'll still be good company and a great friend.
Qhawekazi has yet to add her profile.
I am a decent, stylish yet playful warm blooded ever the gentleman type of guy. Seeking a decent stylish yet playful, like minded, ladylike type of woman. Seeking a discreet mutual dedicated connection. I am most certainly not easy messy or cheap, not here looking for a quick fix, certainly not here either to play games..... Hope to hear from all the decent ladies soon :) Have a super day :)
Nothing as satisfying as giving a woman an orgasm. Making a woman moan in pleasure is music to my ears. I can handle ladies of any size and age.
A mother of two who's looking for a friend with benefits or NSA sex; whichever shall occur first. Preferably aged between 40 and 50. Race is not an issue.
Marisa has yet to add her profile.
I've been thinking of a catchy thing to write something unforgettable - thing is - it will be forgotten right after you read the next profile. so....mmmmmmm......send a message if you think there is more to the profile
Sethu has yet to add her profile.
Mbaly has yet to add her profile.
Travel a lot just want to have fun no strings
Ekwil has yet to add his profile. Ask Ekwil for more info.
I'm transgender in simple terms I do not have a Virginia, I am Gay. So if your open minded and spontaneous then please step to the front. I'm tired of yalls tired dicks irritating me.
Married looking for fun
Seeking for one long term sex partner, anyone interest, let's chart then will take it from there.....
I am a single black woman looking for some fun times
Well mannered and trustworthy Whose not stingy
Adult dating for everyone
Recently single?
Too busy for a relationship?
Sexless or un-fulfilling relationship?
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At My Bed or Yours, we're dedicated to providing you with a safe and enjoyable online dating experience. Join us today and discover a community where you can connect with confidence.